Reintroducing The Lynx To Their Rightful Home

Less Conversation, More Conservation

Walk in the ancient steps of our lost lynx, the saviour of Britain’s woodland. Join us in our mission to safely return our eradicated apex predator, and allow our woodlands to reset and thrive.

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Are you ready to walk in the ancient footprints of the UK’s lost apex predator?

Be part of the most exciting conservation project ever attempted in the UK, and help rebuild our damaged ecosystems, by bringing the Eurasian lynx home to the UK, after their 1,300 year absence.

Bring the Lynx home

The UK’s eradicated “ghost cat”

The shy and secretive Eurasian lynx was once the native apex predator of the UK’s vital woodlands. Stunning and majestic, it was hunted to extinction for its breathtaking fur.

1,300 years later, we are on a mission to return the king and queen of the woodland to her historical home, to restore the natural order of the forest, and breathe fresh life into its biodiversity.

Without this crucial species, the UK’s forests have suffered from the huge overpopulation of deer – the lynx’s natural prey. This has destroyed the natural forest’s regeneration, causing harm to the wider wildlife.

Sponsor A Lynx

We’re thrilled to be able to launch our Sponsor a lynx packages. These will be a vital source of fundraising for us as our project kicks up a gear and we continue to work towards our next license application.

Capacity and Experience to Deliver This Project

  • The Lynx UK Trust has been Instrumental in reframing and educating the public and media on the perception of the Lynx. They are not dangerous animals, and are no longer considered as such due to our work.
  • Our Project Lead, Dr Paul O’Donoghue, was previously the only person in the UK licensed to trap and GPS collar Scottish wildcats- the most endangered species in the UK, and the most endangered cat in the world.
  • Only person ever to submit a license application for an apex predator reintroduction. This is the furthest a project of this nature has ever gotten.
  • Meetings with the Secretary of State, many key players within Westminster, and other high level parties.
  • Experience translocating large carnivores in Europe, with brown bears in Romania.
1200 +


12 %

In Favour

1080 +


The UK's Largest

Lynx Reintroduction Consultation

We’re dedicated to the success of our groundbreaking project. 

To prepare, we conducted the largest reintroduction consultation ever carried out in the UK. We were bowled away by the unprecedented response- 4x the size of a typical Government consultation. 

This speaks to the passion and support of our mission, with an incredible 92.8% in favour of bringing the lynx back to the UK.

Company number 09386570
Registered office address:
102 St. Asaph Business Park, St. Asaph, Wales, LL17 0JE